American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals

Cosmetic - Body

Cosmetic - Breast

Cosmetic - Head/Neck

Gender Affirmation


Reconstructive - Breast

Alternative Instrumentation

Jose Fernando Vargas Goez, MD

Jose Fernando Vargas Goez, MD

Rua Capitão Cassiano Ricardo de Toledo 191 Chacara Urbana
Edifico Golden Office Sala 1113
Jundiaí, SP 13209-010

41.8 miles

(55) 1145230042

Priscilla Helena Lotierzo Saito, MD

Priscilla Helena Lotierzo Saito, MD

Rua do Rosario, 558
Jundiaí, SP 13201015

42 miles

(55) 1145212535

Jose A. Calil, MD, PhD

Jose A. Calil, MD, PhD

Rua Antonio Fiorita, 35
Osasco, SP 06093-050

42.4 miles

(11) 36830703

Alexandre Wada, MD

Alexandre Wada, MD

Avenida Angelica, 2491
9 andar
São Paulo, SP 01227200

48.3 miles

(55) 11130315238

Osvaldo Saldanha, MD

Osvaldo Saldanha, MD

Vila Mathias
Av. Ana Costa, 146 cj 1201
Santos, SP 11.060-000

48.8 miles

(55) 1332331262

Adriano Mesquita Bento, MD FACS

Adriano Mesquita Bento, MD FACS

Rua Pamplona, 145
Room 1717
São Paulo, SP 01405-100

48.8 miles

(55) 11937745849

Cassio E. Raposo-Amaral, MD, PhD

Cassio E. Raposo-Amaral, MD, PhD

Nova Campinas
Av. Dr. Moraes Salles, 2655
Campinas, SP 13092-111

48.8 miles

(5519) 32547378

Renata Mariotto, MD

Renata Mariotto, MD

Rua Arthur de Freitas Leitao, 841Nova Campinas
Campinas, SP 13092141

48.9 miles


Walter K. Matsumoto, MD

Walter K. Matsumoto, MD

Rua Conselheiro Saraiva, 207
Salas 1009 e 1010
São Paulo, SP 02037-020

49 miles

(55) 11974962085

Fernando C. Amato, MD

Fernando C. Amato, MD

Avenida Brasil 2283 Jardim America
Sao Paulo, SP 01431 001

49.2 miles


Lincoln Saito Millan, MD

Lincoln Saito Millan, MD

683 Rua Professor Atilio Innocenti
São Paulo, SP 04568001

49.4 miles

(55) 11 3045-8300

Alexandre Senra, MD

Alexandre Senra, MD

Av. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschek 1726, 21°Andar
São Paulo, SP 04543-000

49.5 miles

(55) 1130327007

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Disclaimer: The ASPS provides this service to assist you in finding a plastic surgeon who can address your particular surgical needs. ASPS cannot warrant or guarantee that you will be completely satisfied with the quality of care or the suitability for your needs of the particular surgeon that you decide to select.

About International Member Surgeons: ASPS is an international organization and has members all around the world. International members have completed the necessary training and certification requirements in their respective country. ASPS international members must have at least three years of experience and must be in good standing with their national plastic surgery organization in their country. International members who are US or Canadian board-certified are denoted with a badge in the online search. As always, ASPS recommends that you do your homework to find the perfect plastic surgeon for you.

About Connect
The Connect service of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) provides you with information on ASPS members in your area who are highly trained in plastic surgery. All of the surgeons in our search are ASPS members and are board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery or The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. To get started, use this online search tool to find an ASPS member surgeon in your area.

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